Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sweet by Suzanne Austin

Hey everyone!  Suzanne here today to share a layout that features ColorBox Stephanie Barnard Premium Dye Ink Spray! The background for this page has a very soft and subtle watercolor effect that was created with just a little gesso, water, and Premium Dye Ink Spray! 

First, grab a piece of trusty freezer paper.  Apply a small amount of gesso onto the freezer paper-adding a generous amount of water.  Mix the two together until there's even consistency.  By adding gesso to the water, absorption is slowed-allowing for more "play-time" once it's on the watercolor paper. 

Next, you can either spray the paint mixture with the Premium Dye Ink Spray (I used "Bubblegum") or remove the top of the Premium Dye Ink Spray and drip the color into the mixture.  I chose the latter because I knew I wanted a softer color than the actual color of the "Bubblegum" spray and didn't wanna over saturate (remember, a little goes a long way!).  

Once you're happy with the color...mix the ink and paint mixture together until there's even consistency.  Then the random fun begins!  Just simply lay a piece of watercolor paper onto the mixture and lift!  Here are a few closeups of the finished layout. 

The paper below the photo is a piece of wax deli paper that I've stamped with the "Simple Dots" Jumbo Rollagraph Wheel using ColorBox Crafter's Ink in "Snow."  The paper beneath that piece is a piece of thin kraft paper from the Donna Salazar Mix'd Media Stax that has been stamped (with a rose stamp) and heat embossed with Mix'd Media Inx in "Jasmine." 

Here, you can see the background a little better and see how it resembles having used watercolor paint...I love that this technique allows for total customization of color for any project need! 

If you look closely, the star at the top left has been altered by applying gesso and Stephanie Barnard "Sprinkles" Chunky Glitter (while the gesso was still wet).  I did this very loosely-simply to take away some of the color so that it blended in better with the layout. 

Are you willing to have some "random fun" by trying out this technique?!?  

Thanks for stopping by! 

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  1. What a great layout to showcase the photo of that sweet little baby. Thanks for the gesso technique tip.
